Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Week 2 Update

Welcome new subscribers! I'm adding this post to make sure it is being received by everyone who subscribed, and to let you know what we're working on in class this week.

7th and 8th Grade General Music: We continue to build a strong working vocabulary. The students will create a vocabulary post this week listing their words and definitions.

Both grades are creating their own three- and four-part polyrhythm compositions that will be performed and recorded for a post at the end of this week. Students are working in small groups, choosing a theme (such as sports, cars, or shoes), and selecting related words that fit specific rhythms. One objective is to emphasize the connection between speech (language arts) and rhythm. Students will also gain experience working in groups, performing independent parts in a polyrhythmic setting, and speaking/chanting their rhythms accurately on a steady beat.

6th Grade General Music: Sixth graders are developing an original composition that will be recorded and posted later this week. The composition includes singing, drumming, polyrhythmic percussion parts, bass guitar, and improvised djembe (drum) solos. Sixth graders are also developing a working vocabulary.

All general music classes are participating in the Composer Series
, exploring notable composers and musicians from various eras and genres. Last week, we listened to exemplary works from Ludwig van Beethoven and Carl Orff. Later this week, students will add a post discussing the composers and music they have discovered from the series.

7/8 Choir: Our choir is developing a rehearsal routine that includes efficient warm-up activities, good tone production, and singing in multiple parts (harmony). A post of our rehearsals can be expected later this week.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. I look forward to communicating with you regularly throughout the semester and sharing the progress and accomplishments of your children. Hope you enjoy following this blog and our Network.

Mr. Greene

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