Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oktoberfest Concert & Hot Dog Supper Fundraiser

Dear Parents, Family, and Friends,

You are cordially invited to the Oktoberfest Concert and Hot Dog Supper Fundraiser on Thursday evening, October 23rd, 6:00 to 7:00 PM. The event will be held in the RMS Cafeteria and feature:

  • Performances by the RMS Choir and World Drum Squad
  • Sixth Grade General Music Ensemble Performance
  • Multimedia Presentations from General Music Students
  • Dinner
  • Door Prizes

Admission will be $4.00 per person at the door. Proceeds benefit the RMS Choir, World Drum Squad, and General Music program.

After school choir rehearsals will continue from now through October 23rd. Rehearsals will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 each day. Students are encouraged to attend any and all of the after school rehearsals. Transportation home must be provided for students immediately following rehearsals.

Student volunteers are encouraged to stay after school on the day of the concert – Thursday, October 23rd – to help set up and decorate the cafeteria for the event.

Click Here to Download/Print Oktoberfest Concert flyer (this flyer was sent home with stduents on Thursday, October 9th)

Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to seeing all of you at the concert. Thank you for your support!


Ken Greene
(901) 416-1588, ext. 21513

*Approved by Lisa Henry, RMS Principal*

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