The choir recorded the audio track in the choir room, then created a CD of their recording on the computer. Next, the choir and dancers moved to the auditorium and performed along with the CD recording while the video was filmed. Finally, the audio track was mixed with the video tracks using video editing software. The result can be seen below.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Choir and Dance Team Film Music Video
The choir recorded the audio track in the choir room, then created a CD of their recording on the computer. Next, the choir and dancers moved to the auditorium and performed along with the CD recording while the video was filmed. Finally, the audio track was mixed with the video tracks using video editing software. The result can be seen below.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Seventh and Eighth Grade Students Hold Live Political Debate

Sunday, October 19, 2008
RMS Hosts 2008 Middle School Strings All-City Concert
RMS Students Attend MSO Young People's Concert
Saturday, October 11, 2008
RMS World Drum Squad and Choir performing at the Memphis Farmers Market
Information regarding transportation and attire for this performance will be posted here and sent home next week - October 14th-17th. Visit the Music & Media Network Choir page for more information.
Oktoberfest Concert & Hot Dog Supper Fundraiser
Dear Parents, Family, and Friends,
You are cordially invited to the Oktoberfest Concert and Hot Dog Supper Fundraiser on Thursday evening, October 23rd, 6:00 to 7:00 PM. The event will be held in the RMS Cafeteria and feature:
- Performances by the RMS Choir and World Drum Squad
- Sixth Grade General Music Ensemble Performance
- Multimedia Presentations from General Music Students
- Dinner
- Door Prizes
Admission will be $4.00 per person at the door. Proceeds benefit the RMS Choir, World Drum Squad, and General Music program.
After school choir rehearsals will continue from now through October 23rd. Rehearsals will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 each day. Students are encouraged to attend any and all of the after school rehearsals. Transportation home must be provided for students immediately following rehearsals.
Student volunteers are encouraged to stay after school on the day of the concert – Thursday, October 23rd – to help set up and decorate the cafeteria for the event.
Click Here to Download/Print Oktoberfest Concert flyer (this flyer was sent home with stduents on Thursday, October 9th)
Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to seeing all of you at the concert. Thank you for your support!
Ken Greene
(901) 416-1588, ext. 21513
*Approved by Lisa Henry, RMS Principal*
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sixth Grade Syncopation - Day 2
Click the play button to hear sixth grade students performing the syncopated polyrhythm notated in the picture on the left. The first rhythm performed in the recording was line four, played on a floor tom, snare drum, rubber cans, and chairs. Line one enters next - this is the rhythm from our October 1st, "Day 1" entry. Line two enters next. followed by hand-clapped line three. The performance was impressively accurate! Improvisation will be added on Monday, October 6th, on drums and harmonica (if Theodore and Antario bring their harps). Click on the picture on the left to view a larger image. See if you can follow the notation as each new line of rhythm is performed.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sixth Grade Syncopation - Day 1
Click the play button to hear sixth graders Antario Ross and Arthur Robinson introduce the first part of a polyrhythmic composition that includes syncopation and improvisation. Students are experiencing the strong connection between music and math as they read, analyze, divide, count, and perform rhythm patterns in different meters (4/4 and 4/2 so far). We continue to emphasize the connection to speech (language arts) as we learn new, more complex rhythms. The rhythm notation in the picture below (left) is the pattern performed by the students in the recording. Click on the pictures to view larger images. The next syncopated pattern will be introduced tomorrow, along with a section for improvised solos on percussion and harmonica!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Memphis Symphony Orchestra Percussionist Visits RMS Music Department
Mr. Shaffer demonstrated the connection between music and physics, explaining how friction is used to create a thumb roll on a tambourine. Vibration was also discussed in terms of sound production and sustain.
Frank Shaffer also discussed and performed percussion excerpts from the upcoming MSO Young People's Concert at the Cannon Center. Several RMS students will be attending the concert on October 14th and studying the selections they hear thanks to the partnership between the Memphis Symphony Orchestra and Memphis City School. Watch the video clip below of Frank Shaffer's September 23rd visit.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
World Drum Squad Performs at the 2008 Cooper Young Festival
Fifth Period 6th Grade Class Composes 7-Part Rondo
Click the play button to hear the composition.
Inspired by the 6th period general music class, 5th period students composed their own rondo piece - a 7-part instrumental work (ABACADA). Students applied concepts and vocabulary learned over the first six weeks, including form, polyrhythm, improvisation, ostinato, and timbre.
Sixth grade students Erin Beal, Diamond Hodges, Keannyi Wilson composed and performed the 3-part keyboard piece for the A-section. Other students used percussion instruments and non-traditional instruments such as chairs to compose and improvise music for their sections.
A "music video" is being produced to support the piece and will be posted next week. Until then, enjoy this 7-part original group composition.
Sixth Grade Composes, Performs, Sings, Raps, Dances in Rondo Project
The 6th period, sixth grade general music students composed a 5-part rondo piece and video to illustrate the connection between music and visual art forms. Continuing with their study of musical form, students explored 5- and 7-part rondo. They composed and performed short polyrhythmic pieces to experience the forms, then began work on a larger musical work with a supporting video.
Sixth grade student Quanisha Dandridge contributed original lyrics sung on an improvised melody, while Maurice Banyon and DeShawn Westbrooks rapped their original rhymes. The music was composed by the students, built on a rhythmic ostinato, and performed on drums and percussion.
The composition originally started as a 5-part rondo with Quanisha's singing representing the "A section." On the final day of the project, Don-Angelo Woodard presented us with a verse he had composed for the piece. We decided to add Don-Angelo's verse as an extended introduction to the piece. The final form was a 5-part rondo with extended introduction (that was the class consensus, anyway). The video was developed by the students to support the music and the form. The form is mapped out below the video player.
- Introduction - Don-Angelo singing, dancing
- A-section - Quanisha singing, girls dancing
- B- section - Maurice rapping, solo dancers
- A-section - Quanisha singing, girls dancing
- C - section - DeShawn rapping, solo dancers
- A-section - Quanisha singing, girls dancing
Vocabulary Report
Click on the play button to hear 5th period, sixth grade General Music students review our vocabulary list from the first six weeks. A few examples are provided, illustrating connections to classroom activities.
- Tempo
- Beat
- Polyrhythm
- Rhythm
- Articulation
- Notate/Notation
- Dynamics
- Improvise
- Timbre
- Form
- Ostinato
- Adagio
- Syncopation
Sunday, September 7, 2008
7th and 8th Grade Commercials Illustrate Connection Between Musical and Visual Form

- Space Jams - New Shoes 4U: 8th grade group pictured above
- MJT - Earings that Transform Into Bracelets: 8th grade
Choir Preparing for October Concerts
The RMS Choir is preparing for this season's performances which include October concerts at RMS and the Memphis Farmers Market. The RMS World Drum Squad is scheduled to perform with the choir at both events.
Daily rehearsal activities focus on good tone production, correct vowel placement, rules of dynamics and phrasing. Choir students are learning songs in different languages from countries such as Kenya and Indonesia, as well as spirituals, folk songs, R&B and soul classics. Site reading skills are also being reinforced during rehearsals.
Information on our upcoming performances will be posted here on our blog and sent home in a newsletter as soon at it becomes available.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
8th Graders Present Miles Davis Biography

Monday, September 1, 2008
7th and 8th Grade Students Make Their Own Instruments
Lesson material for this project can be found in the Memphis Symphony Orchestra Integrated Unit, Culutral Kaleidoscope on pages 24 through 31. Mr. Greene was one of the curriculum writers for the integrated unit.
6th Grade Explores Musical Form - Watch Our Sample Video!
We recorded and produced this rehearsal video to experiment with different visual possibilities. The video features the students creating their own dance moves for specific small ensemble and solo "sections", and a freestyle rap (improvisation) performed by sixth-grader DonAngelo Woodard. The music was composed during class using computer software.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
8th Graders Compose Original Music, Student Reflections, and One "Dynamic" Activity
Listen to an original song composed today by eighth grade students Orlandria Johnson, Chasity Mosby, Chelsea Rainey, KeAndre Davis, and Westley Williams. These five students decided to write a rap song today during the first part of the class period. They went into a practice room and improvised on tubano drums and a gong until they found a groove they liked. Orlandria and Chasity wrote the lyrics and worked on their rap (rhythm). After rehearsing for a few minutes, the group set up in the classroom and performed the song heard on the recording (in one take!). Click here to read the lyrics. National Standards/Performance Indicators covered in this activity: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7. Click here to read the National Standards for Music Education.
Today in general music, sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students wrote reflection papers on their first two weeks in class. The written works will be published here throughout the week. A few of the students read their work today and recorded it for this post.
Click the play button to listen to three of the reflections:
Continuing their study of dynamics, seventh- and eighth-grade students participated in a fun activity that helped reinforce the concept.
1. Students worked in groups of six - two groups playing at a time
2. Dynamic symbols (ff, f, mf, mp, p, pp) were written on scrap paper - one symbol per sheet, two sets of symbols (six symbols per set)
3. Teams gathered on one side of the classroom while Mr. Greene stood on the other side
4. The symbol sheets were balled up and tossed into the open space between the students and Mr. Greene
5. Each team scrambled to gather the papers, working together to organize the symbols in the correct dynamic order from loudest to softest
6. The student with the loudest level (ff) stood on a chair, and the other students in the group assembled in front of him/her in the appropriate order (see the pictures below for examples)
Monday, August 25, 2008
"My Instrument Project" Assigned Today & A Lesson in Dynamics
Two new vocabulary words were added to our list today: dynamics (the musical symbols that determine expressiveness, how loud or softly to perform) and timbre (the distinctive tone quality of an instrument). Students reviewed six standard symbols for dynamics and applied them to a performance on drums and chant. Here are the dynamic ranges and their corresponding symbols:
- ff (fortissimo) = extremely full or loud
- f (forte) = full or loud
- mf (mezzo forte) = medium loud
- mp (mezzo piano) = medium soft
- p (piano) = soft or quiet
- pp (pianissimo) = extremely soft or quiet
Students explored the different timbre of objects in the classroom such as books, doors, and metal stools, and experimented with different ways of making sounds with them. After selecting their object, students created short, improvised polyrhythmic pieces and performed in small groups. The performances may be repeated tomorrow and recorded for a podcast.
We also examined the five categories of instruments as determined by anthropologists: Aerophones, Idiophones, Membranophones, Chordophones, and Electrophones. Click Here to download the Instrumental Timbre categories and their descriptions. Print this handout and have your child complete it and turn it in for extra credit!
This week's project is "My Instrument", which students will prepare and create at home. The project objectives are for students to consider how sound is produced, experiment with different materials (such as metal, plastic, and wood), and create their own instrument from ordinary household items. Projects are DUE this FRIDAY, August 29th. Click Here to download the project guidelines and grading policy.
Check out these links to web sites that feature instructions
for making your own instruments.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Students Comment on the Composer Series
Click on the play button to hear students' comments on the composers.Our classroom Composer Series introduces students to different composers and musicians every week. So far, students have discovered Ludwig van Beethoven (Symphony No. 5 and Symphony No. 9), Carl Orff ("O fortuna" from Carmina Burana), and Samuel Barber ("Adagio for Strings"). In addition to listening to exemplary works from each composer, students will also:
- research biographical information such as place of birth (geography) and influences (culture)
- explore related historical periods
- analyze music, identifying style, instrumentation, and emotional response
- compare/contrast with music from other composers
Additionally, students will conduct online research in the classroom to create Composer Bio-Posters. The poster layouts will be designed by the students and include composer portraits, biographical information, and notable works. Bio-posters will be displayed in the classroom and here on our blog as they are completed.
6th Grade General Music Class Delivers a Brilliant Performance!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
7th and 8th Graders Successfully Complete Polyrhythm Compositions
Seventh and Eighth grade general music students performed their polyrhythm compositions today, clearly demonstrating an understanding of the strong connection between speech (language arts) and rhythm. Great job, everyone!
Click on the play button to hear one of the 8th grade performances.
Click on the play button to hear one of the 7th grade performances.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Week 2 Update
7th and 8th Grade General Music: We continue to build a strong working vocabulary. The students will create a vocabulary post this week listing their words and definitions.
Both grades are creating their own three- and four-part polyrhythm compositions that will be performed and recorded for a post at the end of this week. Students are working in small groups, choosing a theme (such as sports, cars, or shoes), and selecting related words that fit specific rhythms. One objective is to emphasize the connection between speech (language arts) and rhythm. Students will also gain experience working in groups, performing independent parts in a polyrhythmic setting, and speaking/chanting their rhythms accurately on a steady beat.
6th Grade General Music: Sixth graders are developing an original composition that will be recorded and posted later this week. The composition includes singing, drumming, polyrhythmic percussion parts, bass guitar, and improvised djembe (drum) solos. Sixth graders are also developing a working vocabulary.
All general music classes are participating in the Composer Series
, exploring notable composers and musicians from various eras and genres. Last week, we listened to exemplary works from Ludwig van Beethoven and Carl Orff. Later this week, students will add a post discussing the composers and music they have discovered from the series.
7/8 Choir: Our choir is developing a rehearsal routine that includes efficient warm-up activities, good tone production, and singing in multiple parts (harmony). A post of our rehearsals can be expected later this week.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. I look forward to communicating with you regularly throughout the semester and sharing the progress and accomplishments of your children. Hope you enjoy following this blog and our Network.
Mr. Greene
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Our First Classroom Podcast
Click on the play button to listen to our podcast.
Our first classroom podcast features an introduction from sixth graders Jauhara Muhammad and Antario Ross. The drumming is from Thursday's eighth grade rehearsal of a three-part polyrhythm. Next week's entries will include more performances, a vocabulary update, images from the classroom, and reports on our Composer Series.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Off to a Great Start
Thank you for subscribing to our blog. I'm looking forward to communicating with all of you on a regular basis through the RMS Music & Media Network and blog. Please contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Mr. Greene
Monday, July 28, 2008
Audio Example: Blues Radio Station Project
Click on the play button to hear an example of an audio recording posted to our RMS Music and Media blog. This recording was created by eighth-grade students from last year's class. The students developed and recorded a Blues Radio Station ("93.1 FM, Home of the Delta Blues") for their blues unit final project. More radio station projects are featured on our Music & Media Network site - Click Here to visit.
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Just click on the "Subscribe to RMS Music & Media by Email" link on the right (below our welcome message) and enter your email address when prompted. You will receieve an email notification only when new content has been added to our blog. Subscribe today and see/hear/read what your child is creating in the RMS Music & Media classroom.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The First Post of the 08-09 School Year
Students will be working with new technology such as podcasts and blogs to report on their own progress and share their accomplishments with family and friends. We will also be sharing ideas and interests with students from other states and, hopefully, from other countries. One of our most ambitious goals this year is to initiate a series of Global Classroom Exchange Sessions, using the Internet and related software to communicate with students from around the globe, share our ideas and experiences, and develop lasting relationships. Stay tuned.