Friday, November 27, 2009

6th Grade General Music Completes "Scary Movies" Integrated Unit

6th grade students from Mr. Greene's 3rd period general music class completed their 'Scary Movies' project last month. The projects are the culminating works from an integrated unit involving language arts and communication skills, technology, visual arts, and music composition and performance. Watch the three films below, then read the unit overview at the bottom of this post.

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Working in small groups, students will create short scary films following a specific sequence of activities:

1. Write a short story with a scary theme
2. Record (read) the stories with a digital audio recorder creating a wav file that will be used as a narration
 track in the finished product - read stories with expression appropriate for the theme
3. Compose and record an original musical score for the film using keyboards, drums, percussion, and
 non-traditional sound sources - experiment with specific musical elements: ostinato, form, dissonance, tonality,
 polyrhythm, dynamics, texture
4. Film the movie in the classroom experimenting with lighting and perspective - considering editing
 possibilities throughout the filming process
5. Photograph images for use in the film - characters, scenes, etc.
6. Edit the film on the computer using video editing software - add all components: narration, music, and footage

EXTENSION: Create a movie poster to promote the film (connection to visual arts) - Students will analyze vintage horror movie posters (e.g. Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein) and develop ideas for their own film posters.

Students will make creative decisions regarding film style, musical score, and the overall look and feel of the film (visual and audio effects); Students will work cooperatively with each other and have opportunities to contribute their personal strengths - writing, speaking, designing, acting, filming, working with computers/software.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dr. Hamer visits during second LIVE classroom exchange

Eighth grade general music students participated in their second live classroom exchange with Ms. Lubinski's string students in Fairfax, Virginia. The event took place on Thursday, November 12th, the same day as the MCS Student Exhibitions. During our live Google video chat, we were visited by Deputy Superintendent Dr. Irving Hamer, our principal Ms. Henry, and assistant principal Mr. Ryan. The video below features highlight from the event.

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A third live exchange with the Virginia students has been tentatively scheduled for January 28th. Our global connections continue to grow with several online exchanges scheduled with classrooms in Mexico, Belgium, France, Nepal, and other countries. More information on our global connections will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

Friday, November 13, 2009

RMS General Music Class Holds First Live Web Chat with VA Students

On Tuesday, November 10th, 2009, RMS 8th grade General Music students participated in their first live classroom exchange via Google Video Chat. The exchange was between our students here in Memphis and elementary string students in Fairfax, Virginia.

I met string teacher Maggie Lubinski at MENC's Music Education Week in Washington DC last June and invited her to participate in a live classroom exchange using an online application such as Skype or Google Video Chat. We tested the Google video chat technology in October - without students in our classrooms - to make sure we could see and hear each other clearly. The connection was better than expected, so we went ahead with our plans for a November classroom exchange.

The video below highlight the November 10th exchange. A second exchange with Ms. Lubinski's studnets took place on Thursday, November 12th, and will be featured in our next blog post.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

First RMS Expressions Retreat at Safari is a Success!

On Sunday, November 1st, RMS general music students participated in the first "Expressions Retreat" at Safari on South Main Street, Downtown Memphis. The event was created to give music students an opportunity to perform in the community and showcase their creativity through original poetry, songs, world drumming, visual art, and multimedia presentations. Parents and RMS administrators who attended the event were treated to an afternoon of entertainment, food, and fun. Our "Retreat" was featured in the Local News section of the Commercial Appeal on Monday, November 2nd.

The second Expressions Retreat is planned for May, 2010, coinciding with Memphis in May festivities. The second event will include music students from the second semester as well as students who participated in the first event on November 1st. The plan is to make the retreat a regular event at the end of each semester.

Watch the video clips of our Expressions Retreat poets below.

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RMS General Music Students Connect with Students in Nepal, South Dakota, and other parts of the World

RMS general music students have been using web sites and online applications Voicethread and Classroom 2.0 to connect with students around the globe, participating in meaningful conversation and engaging activities. Our most recent connections include cultural exchanges with students in Nepal and South Dakota.

The students we have met in Nepal live and attend school in the rural area of Bhaktapur. They do not have computers in their school or in their homes. In fact, they often depend on the generosity of volunteers and donors for basic school supplies. We have seen each other through images and video posted online. We have also exchanged poetry and autobiographical writings through email and postings on Classroom 2.0, a Facebook-like site for educators who utilize technology in education. We have become friends and will continue to collaborate and learn from each other. You can see our friends from the SAV school in Bhaktapur, Nepal, on teacher Govinda Prasad Panthy's Classroom 2.0 page.

Another ongoing collaboration is with students at Wolf Creek School on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. We have used Voicethread to exchange video and audio content with each other. We are currently discussing the traditional Lakota Hoop Dance. Our latest Voicethread post features RMS students asking specific questions about the dance, its history, and cultural significance. Visit teacher Jeannine Metzger's Classroom 2.0 page to learn more. You can see and hear the Pine Ridge Voicethread exchange below. Click the play button to begin the presentation.

For more information on voicethread, visit our Voicethread Forum on our Music & Media Network.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

RMS Students Make All Southwest Junior Honor Choir!

Eighth grade students Alex Claxton (alto) and Isiah Rankin (bass) sang their way into the All Southwest Junior Honor Choir at the November 7th auditions. Both students received high scores from the judges and will represent Ridgeway Middle School at the All Southwest Honor Choir Concert on Saturday, November 14th. The concert begins at 2:00 PM and will be held at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. CONGRATULATIONS!

This year marks our strongest showing at the All SW auditions with 16 students participating. Several students received very high marks from the judges and just missed the cut by only a few points. I would like the choir students to know that I am very proud of them for working hard over the past several weeks, showing up on Saturday and doing their best. Thanks to all parents for their support with rehearsals and getting their children to Saturday's auditions.

Hope to see everybody at the RMS Holiday Concert on Tuesday evening, December 10th, at 6:00 PM.